read the full text of obama's brilliant speech last night here.
what an amazingly eloquent, intelligent future lies ahead for all of us.
as michelle obama said a few months ago [and for which she was mercilessly and wrongly excoriated], for the first time in my life, i really DO feel proud of my country, and i am so very happy that it might just be possible to leave the world a better place than we found it.
. . . . .
go ride your bike,
breathe deep the fresh air;
let go your worries, replenish your soul,
for your future you must prepare.
. . . . .
whew...jebus. i really was quite afraid it wouldn't happen. let the reunification begin, okay, my right-wing friends? let's ride bikes.
gravel rides tuesday nights, the bridge in water works park at 530 pm?
renegade cyclocross saturday, 900 am at witmer park.
probably won't drink afterwards.
rev -- while Obama's speech was excellent as expected, I was equally impressed with McCain's concession speech. Of course, it's easy to be humble after those numbers, but I hope his words are taken to heart.
There's a different feel in the air today.
Wait, that's the cold front coming in.
On a sad note Prop 8 in CA passed banning same sex marriage, my "prayers" go out to those in pain due to ignorance, stupidity, and hatred.
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