Thursday, August 23, 2007

hello, world

i have this feature on here that tells me, generally,
where you are when you visit today's sermonette.
have i said "thank you" lately?
i just checked the world map to see who's been here the last couple days.
. . . . .
a milestone, for us, was reached with our first visitor from the south american continent. but there were actually visitors from three very different locations: the netherland's antilles; santiago, chile;
and managua, nicaragua.
welcome!! and thanks for visiting, friends and neighbors.
. . . . .
so here's where our recent readers call home:
europe: 3 locations in turkey; madrid & barcelona, spain; several in the united kingdom; moscow, russia; kuopio, finland; 2 locations in sweden; netherlands; belgium;
asia: seoul, south korea; punjab, pakistan; riyadh, saudi arabia;
kuwait; jakarta, indonesia;
south america: santiago, chile; netherlands antilles;
managua, nicaragua;
australia: three locations;
north america: toronto, canada, and all over the continental states.
. . . . .
as always, thanks for visiting!
we do not take any of you for granted.
please leave a comment some time, if you would.


Anonymous said...

Near, far. North America and Europe. They all want the Mostly Reverend to show up at the Monday Fixie Ride!!!

the mostly reverend said...

today, friday afternoon:
lima, rio, aruba in south america;
victoria and queensland in australia;
dubai, riyadh and qatar;
israel and cairo;
2 from poland; tokyo;
edmunton and halifax in canada;
and hello to germany!
again, thanks, folks.
i'm delighted you're here.
and as always, thanks for reading.