Friday, April 03, 2009

my friend jeff had this posted on facebook today; i saw it upon my return from a lovely 4+ hour ride, during which we had HEADWIND the ENTIRE time. unbelievable, but sunny, nice and not too chilly. style council has always been a fave, but i had no idea the video had a cycling theme. back when the song came out, i had a, sony walkman? a cassette player. stuck it in the back pocket of my wool jerseys, and listened to this song--and the entire tape--over and over as i rode around mason city and the whole of north central iowa in the mid- and late-80s. thanks for reminding me, jeff!
enjoy this classic...

note: music begins at 0:30


Z said...

Old school Campy, podium girls... Man this has everything! Gotta thank Sluggo for putting this up on FB.


gpickle said...

Here is the remix:

the mostly reverend said...

actually jeff corcoran, not sluggo.