Tuesday, May 01, 2007


with guest pastor, brother ricky gervais
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i had plenty of time yesterday, doing solo laps of the old capitol crit course [thanks again, mark] in the blazing sun of a late april sunday--while the rest of the pro1/2 field was getting taken to the woodshed--to think about my values, and to think about those things most important to me, and to who i am.
i thought, oddly enough, about charles darwin, and about natural selection, in particular.
upon my return home, following a wonderful meal of grilled pork chops and the sopranos, at my daughter's house, and a moonlight bike ride with my granddaughter ["papa, i NEED to ride my bike after entourage." what a smart and well-prioritized child!], i hopped on the internets, and in my cyber pickup truck, i drove my way through that wondrous series of tubes straight to a source that has completely turned my world right-side-up.
i've been wrong all these years, and all it took for me to see the light was 40 or so times up jefferson street hill, baking sunlight, and brother ricky gervais.
watch this epiphinal clip, and see if you don't agree.
and tip your servers.

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