Sunday, September 30, 2007
g pickle

sunday thoughts: in my face

thompson said his church attendance "varies.''
"i attend church when i'm in tennessee. i'm in mclean right now,'' he said referring to the virginia suburb of washington, d.c., where he lives.
thompson said he usually attends church when visiting his mother in tennessee and isn't a member of any church in the washington area.
...from world's, this morning

Friday, September 28, 2007
happy birthday, ed!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
who opened this?
Monday, September 24, 2007
STOP IT ! ! ! ! !
Sunday, September 23, 2007
tell me why. . .
more photos from far-flung orphans
it's like magic!
de plas - the bike
the bike
danny's sad--his bike was stolen.
his bike was stolen?
his bike was stolen by the lake.
there's a bar at the lake.
he got very drunk.
there's someone else's bike outside the bar.
THAT'LL show 'em.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
arrr, today's sermonette. ye'll ne'er get me buried booty!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
from the lens of the sermonette's intrepid shooter
but i don't remember a situation like this not on ragbrai
look closely: new meaning to "sleeping on the wet spot"
and speaking of unusual weight loss programs, this fella was seen cruising along the neal smith trail during the recent august heat wave, 90+ at 300 pm. had his mid-80s vintage helmet on, though. safety first, and all that.
thanks for the photos, jimmy olson.
by the way: THIS just in. who says there's no irony in the world?
landis hearing is closed
Published: September 15, 2007
Arbitrators in the Floyd Landis doping hearing met for the final time this week and declared the hearing officially closed, meaning a decision on the fate of Landis, the 2006 Tour de France winner, must come by Sept. 22.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
fair warning
how to improve your negotiating position
The win comes just as McCartney's career faces a turning point,
"I'm still looking for a new team in 2008." McCartney said,
[who the hell told HIM about stealth miles? damn!]
iowa state -- iowa prediction

Thursday, September 13, 2007
a quiet milestone
something rad for price, dorothy & chad
Dear fellow bike riders:
We were all saddened by the untimely passing of Price Vandelune
We will meet at
We invite the participation of the bike riding community and
Please note, this ride is at your own discretion and
Join us or donate by stopping at
Marc Hollander: marcthollander@gmail.com
Rob Versteegh: oakleyiowa@mchsi.com
Thanks for your time, kind thoughts
Marc T. Hollander & Rob Versteegh, and
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
random thoughts--updated
Sunday, September 09, 2007
discovered while cycling on a sunday

Saturday, September 08, 2007
from chad: vandelune updates

the price vandelune memorial fund
has been established at the first american bank, in des moines.
checks may be sent to:
the orphanage,
p.o. box 13133
des moines, iowa 50310
feel free to contact me at eeastonwest@aol.com for suggestions.
Friday, September 07, 2007
thank you, madeleine l'engle
it's that time of year, again...

we resume our story... mr. bin laden, not wanting to worry his mother that he might really be dead, will be issuing another press release in time for this weekend's talking head shows.
dubya will be saying we need to remain firm in our resolve and that the surge is working [they no longer say "stay the course" or "cut and run"--it seems "victory vs. surrender" is the verbage currently in vogue] but he just wants to ensure the republican candidates support more war.
but the one true american hero will be able to cut through the bullshit, and accomplish the task everyone, it seems, has been talking about.
can he do it? he already has, and here's the proof.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
too soon
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
labor day racing, st. louis style
this clip is just over 3 minutes long. there is a great shot of the pack rolling through in 100 degree weather. it is worth the view. our own jared is shown gaining some criterium experience. authentic music, too.
again--this time, muscatine
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
the wonderful world of politics
And Jerry, who was usually very shy, says, "Great idea!" I said, "You gotta wear a tie - you can wear one of yours [the Garcia Collection]," but he says, "I don't wanna wear one of those." [Laughing]
Now the cops at the Capital all wanna get Jerry Garcia's autograph, turns out. So we're sitting at a big round table, and Woody Harrelson was with us at the time, and Strom Thurmond comes in and suddenly someone points out to him who Jerry Garcia is, and Thurmond comes over and says [imitating Thurmond's inch-thick Southern accent], "I say, boy!" and yanks Garcia to his feet.
He whacks Garcia on the shoulder, and Strom says, "I see you're here with my good friend Senator uh . . . from uh . . . well anyway, I'm Strom Thurmond, and I'm the oldest member of the United States Senate, you hear me, boy?" I'd worked with him for twenty-five years, and he couldn't remember me. But then he whacks Garcia again. Poor Jerry's rocking back and forth.
VDB: [Cracking up]
Leahy: Strom says, "Now when you go back to Texas - " and Jerry interrupts and says, "California, Sir" - but Thurmond yells, "Wherever!" and he whams Jerry on the back again. "When you git home, you tell 'em you met the oldest member of the United States Senate, you hear me, boy!" Wham again. "Because they'll want to know that, see? Oldest member of the US Senate, see? You git me, boy?" Wham again!